Template Download

Template Download

Download our masterbrand PowerPoint templates, stationary, letterheads, and fax cover sheet. You can also review our organization's recommended email signature.


Our stationery reaches a wide audience ranging from patients to academic institutions. Business cards, letterhead and envelopes may be ordered from Printing Services.


Letterhead Templates

Main University Health Letterhead

University Health

Facility Letterheads

Email Signature

The following should not be included on email templates or signatures:

  • Pictures
  • Backgrounds
  • Quotes
  • Religious references

Instructions: Formatting and Adding Your Email Signature to Outlook 

  1. First, download the email signature to your computer by clicking the button below
  2. Next, open the Word Document and enable editing
  3. Next, select the email signature format (including the logo)
  4. Next, copy and paste it into the Edit signature field in Outlook
  5. Finally, simply update it with your own contact information

If you would like to include gender pronouns in your signature, add them after your name or on the next line.

Thank you for helping University Health ensure consistent, professional communication with our colleagues, business partners and community.

Fax Cover Letter

Download our masterbrand Fax Cover Sheet Template to use for all fax correspondence.