Brand Colors
PMS 288 (the flagship University Health blue) should be the main focus of color for design pieces with the exception of Children’s Health, which is PMS 299.
The accent palette should serve to delineate sections, such as in a headline or subhead. These colors can also be utilized when creating infographics, charts or graphs.
Primary Palette
Accent Palette
A bright accent palette provides a pop of color that feels modern and dynamic. Our palette is inspired by San Antonio landmarks such as the orange-red “La Antorcha de la Amistad” and the yellow-tan bricks of the Alamo.
Colors may be screened to add visual variety to a design.
In order to maintain a cohesive look for our brand, additional colors outside of the official palette should not be used in any marketing communications. Additional colors may be used in special circumstances, with prior approval from Corporate Communications & Marketing.