Institute for Trauma-Informed Care

Institute for Trauma-Informed Care

About Us 

Through a collaboration with the City of San Antonio Metro Health, University Health established the Institute for Trauma-Informed Care in January 2020. The Institute’s role is to provide training and technical assistance to organizations that wish to become certified in Trauma-Informed Care (TIC).

Key Functions and Services

  • Partner with the Consortium to align TIC efforts in San Antonio by promoting a community vision, shared definition and common language.
  • Ensure San Antonio’s approach to delivering TIC reflects the community’s unique culture and demographic characteristics.
  • Provide cross-sector education and training on trauma and TIC to promote increased awareness and drive a citywide culture change.
  • Promote the use of trauma-informed best practices across a variety of community sectors that align with the community’s needs.
  • Provide assessment, training, technical assistance and coaching to organizations that want to become trauma-informed.

Our Partners

City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District logo  South Texas trauma informed care consortium logo  The Ecumenical Center for Education Counseling Health logo