PGY1 Community-Based Pharmacy Residency Structure

PGY1 Community-Based Pharmacy Residency Structure


During the month of July, the resident will undergo orientation and training for the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy, University Health, the Pharmacy Residency Program, and the Pharmacy Department. Departmental and residency training will include orientation to policies and procedures, University Health computer systems, and the outpatient clinics and pharmacies. The resident will also be oriented to the ASHP Residency Accreditation Standards, Program Design and Conduct, and the required Competency Areas, Goals, and Objectives for Community-Based PGY1 residency training. In addition, the resident will be oriented to the evaluation process and the PharmAcademic online evaluation system. Residents who are not previously certified will also be scheduled for training in Basic Life Support (BLS) early in the residency.

Academic Pharmacotherapy

Academic activities will be integrated within different learning experiences to strengthen teaching and effective communication skills. Required activities include:

  • Participation in a teaching certificate program in partnership with a local college of pharmacy.
  • Participation in the University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy (UTCOP) residents’ Pharmacotherapy Seminar every Friday afternoon. The resident will be required to teach and lead discussions on at least one topic throughout the year, as assigned by the group coordinator, and to present one formal Pharmacotherapy Rounds (“Resident Rounds”).

Clinical Practice

The resident will provide clinical staffing for the Discharge Pharmacy and Transitions of Care pharmacy service (10 weekends minimum) not to exceed 16 hours per two-week period. During scheduled clinical staffing, the resident will have the opportunity to work in the University Health Discharge Pharmacy, provide care for patients on the Transitions of Care work list, including involvement in the hospital-at-home and meds-to-beds programs when applicable.

This will supplement direct patient care skills developed in the outpatient setting to help the resident better understand and address patient needs across the continuum of care.

Major Project

Required learning opportunities include:

  • Evaluation or development of a collaborative practice agreement, standing order, or protocol
  • Participation and completion of a quality improvement initiative
  • Creation of a business plan related to community-based pharmacy practice services
  • Completion of a residency research project

Professional Development

This longitudinal rotation is structured to provide the resident experience in self-evaluation of his or her strengths, progress throughout the residency, areas for improvement and goals. Self-evaluations will be completed and discussed between the resident and residency leadership on a quarterly basis then incorporated into each resident’s personal development plan.


The length of each rotation is usually four weeks, but may be flexible, depending on the needs and interests of the individual resident. The following rotations are required:

  • Pharmacy Counseling and Operations
  • Community-Based Direct Patient Care
  • Pharmacy Quality and Medication Safety
  • Pharmacy Education
  • Transitions of Care
  • Clinic-Based Direct Patient Care
  • Advanced Community-Based Direct Patient Care

Other rotations available on an elective basis include but are not limited to the following:

  • Anticoagulation
  • Cardiology
  • Endocrinology
  • Hepatology
  • Pulmonology
  • Specialty Pharmacy
  • Resident may repeat a required rotation as elective if interested
  • Other electives may be available upon request