Injury Prevention Programs

Injury Prevention Programs

Injury Prevention Program

  • The A Su Salud program is a community effort made up of volunteers, churches, clinics, schools, support staff, nutrition centers, local business and media.
  • A Su Salud Injury Prevention Program is funded by University Health. By using a community-based approach, A Su Salud has offered information to the public on a variety of health issues.
  • The model has been implemented nationwide in San Diego, San Francisco, Miami, Brownsville, San Antonio and New York.
  • Visit the A Su Salud website
  • "How I stay safe" calendar contest is part of University Health commitment to raise awareness in our young community on how to prevent injuries.

The outstanding impact of this program in our community encouraged us to expand the model to raise awareness and increase screening on a major challenge for our current medicine: cancer.

University Health has been awarded a significant funding by the Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) to develop and implement outreach, prevention and screening services to fight colorectal, breast and cervical cancer to underinsured and uninsured population in in our County.

Cancer Prevention Program

The Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas awarded funds to University Health to help prevent cancer in underserved populations in Bexar County.

  • Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Screening Promotion Program
    • University Health will reduce the impact of mortality among Hispanics through the implementation of a sustainable, evidence-based health promotion, early detection and behavioral change program and increase the number of members in compliance for screening by 10% in two years.

  • Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Male Navigation Program
    • University Health will increase CRC screening rates from 16% to 56% by 2012, which translates to 500 additional screenings. The project will use open-access endoscopy and patient navigation within our CareLink financial assistance program.

  • Cervical (HPV/Pap Tests) San Antonio
    • University Health will increase cervical cancer screening among CareLink women aged 18 to 64, develop a sustainable program to remove barriers to care, and ensure high-risk women receive cervical cancer screening services. Also, to increase HPV vaccination uptake rates 5% to 20% among 9- to 26-year-olds in Bexar County.

  • Breast San Antonio
    • University Health will increase the breast cancer screening rate of uninsured/underinsured minority women 40+ who have never been screened for breast cancer, not been screened in the last five years and reside in known high-risk breast cancer areas of Bexar.