School Physicals & Immunizations: Our dedicated team of health care professionals is here to provide comprehensive school physicals and immunizations, tailored to meet all school requirements and keep your child safe and healthy. Schedule an appointment.
Kidney Transplant Surgery
Trust the expert transplant surgeons at University Health for advanced kidney transplantation to help you live longer with a better quality of life.
Highly Skilled Transplant Team
Find patient-centered care from an experienced transplant team and a supportive care team who are passionate about improving your life through transplantation.
Before Transplantation
If you face kidney failure, work with the expert team at University Health to determine whether a kidney transplant is right for you. The assessment process includes:
- Doctor or self-referral
- Your first visit
- Evaluation and testing
- Candidacy and selection
- Living donation or waiting list
When a Kidney Becomes Available
Rest assured, a transplant coordinator will call you at the phone number you provided when a deceased-donor kidney is available for you.
You’ll receive specific instructions about what to do and when to go to University Health Transplant Institute in San Antonio. Do not eat or drink anything after notification to come for a transplant.
- Health insurance information
- Prepacked suitcase
Preparation for Surgery
Expect your transplant care team to perform several pre-transplant tests to ensure you are ready for your kidney transplant.
Reasons to Delay
Sometimes we have to cancel transplants because:
- There’s a problem with the donor kidney
- Your final crossmatch test is positive, meaning you have antibodies against the donor kidney and your body would reject the transplanted kidney
- You have a new medical problem that we did not know about
- You have signs of infection
Informed Consent
Depend on us to get your “informed consent” before a transplant operation. This means you decide whether or not to have a transplant.
Your Surgery
Your kidney transplant will take place the day you arrive at the University Health Transplant Institute. The surgery takes between two and four hours. You’ll be under general anesthesia. Your skilled, experienced transplant surgeon will:
- Make an incision approximately 6 inches long just above the groin
- Remove your damaged kidney
- Attach the artery and vein of your new kidney to one of your existing arteries and veins
- Attach your new kidney’s ureter (the tube that carries urine to the bladder) to your bladder
After surgery, you will recover in a dedicated transplant intensive care unit.
What to Expect After Your Transplant Surgery