School Physicals & Immunizations: Our dedicated team of health care professionals is here to provide comprehensive school physicals and immunizations, tailored to meet all school requirements and keep your child safe and healthy. Schedule an appointment.
Rare Tumors
Sarcomas are cancers that originate from connective tissue cells. These cancers can contain bone, cartilage, fat, blood vessels, or hematopoietic tissues. In contrast, carcinomas are cancers that originate from epithelial cells – the cells that line the blood vessels and organs.
Angiosarcoma of the liver (includes hemangiosarcoma) is a rare liver tumor that is often associated with exposure to:
- Distant vinyl chloride
- Arsenic
- Anabolic steroids
- Radiation
- Thorium dioxide
Typical symptoms include:
- Abdominal pain
- Fatigue
- Jaundice
- Ascites (accumulation of protein-containing fluid in the abdomen)
- Weight loss
Angiosarcoma is diagnosed in older individuals (age >60) and is more common in men. It is generally considered an aggressive cancer and treatment options depend on the extent of disease.