Alcoholic Liver Disease

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Alcoholic Liver Disease

Heavy alcohol consumption can lead to progressive liver disease. Initially fat builds up in the liver and causes inflammation (alcoholic steatohepatitis). This chronic inflammation can progress to cirrhosis and liver cancer. Once alcoholic liver disease develops, continued alcohol use typically leads to complications of liver disease.

One severe manifestation of alcoholic liver disease is acute alcoholic hepatitis, which is a dangerous condition with a high risk of death. This is typically associated with jaundice and often requires specific treatment in addition to stopping all alcohol.

Alcoholic Cirrhosis

It is estimated that up to 20% of patients with alcoholic fatty liver will progress to alcoholic cirrhosis.

Factors associated with an increased risk of developing cirrhosis:

  • Ongoing alcohol use
  • Daily drinking rather than periodic binge drinking
  • Obesity
  • Being born female
  • Superimposed liver disease such as hepatitis C

Alcoholic liver disease is suspected when there is a history of heavy alcohol use, elevated liver enzymes, suggestion of fatty liver on imaging tests, or is found on a liver biopsy.

Managing Alcoholic Liver Disease

In the setting of cirrhosis, alcohol abstinence decreases the risk of liver failure, the development of clinical complications of cirrhosis and improves survival.

Liver transplantation may be an option for those patients with end-stage liver disease from alcoholic liver disease who meet the 6-month sobriety criteria and are committed to alcohol abstinence.