Join a Research Study

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For more information, call Texas Diabetes Institute at 210-358-7500.

Join a Research Study

The field of diabetes research continues to grow at a rapid and exciting pace. The diabetes team at the Texas Diabetes Institute is committed to finding and developing methods to help people with diabetes live a full and healthy life.

We highly encourage participation; however, if you have any of the following conditions you might not meet the criteria for our studies:

  1. History of a recent heart attack or stroke (within 6 months)
  2. History of severe respiratory disease (asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, COPD)
  3. Current anemia
  4. History of seizures or convulsions
  5. History of chemical or substance abuse including alcohol
  6. Hepatitis or HIV positive

Click here for a list of current ongoing diabetes studies.

If you want to participate in one of our studies, please fill out the form below and a research coordinator will contact you to provide information on the study of your interest and schedule an appointment for a screening visit.

Disclaimer: If you volunteer (consent) to be in a research study, people other than the Texas Diabetes Institute may look at both medical charts and study records. Agencies that make rules and policy about how research is done have the right to review these records. So do agencies that pay for the study. Records can also be opened by court order. We will keep your records private to the extent allowed by law. Your name and other facts that might point to you will not appear when we present this study or publish its results.

Your participation is voluntary and you have the right to refuse to be in this study. You can stop at anytime after giving your consent. This decision will not affect in any way your current or future medical care or any other benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.

  1. Carolina Solis Herrera, MD
    Carolina Solis Herrera, MD
  2. Marilyn Arosemena Coronel, MD
    Marilyn Arosemena Coronel, MD
  3. Marzieh Salehi, MD
    Marzieh Salehi, MD