Diabetes Classes

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For more information, call Texas Diabetes Institute at 210-358-7500.

Diabetes Classes

Discover how to make lifestyle changes and prevent diabetes complications by attending patient education classes at University Health in San Antonio. You’ll gain valuable skills to help you live well with diabetes.

Knowledgeable, Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist

Feel confident you will receive the best diabetes education and information because a certified diabetes care and education specialist will lead your classes. The American Diabetes Association recognizes our education program. That means our educators have specialized training to teach, coach and guide you to understand how diabetes affects your life.

Your certified diabetes care and education specialist at University Health understands the complexity of the disease and knows diabetes affects your whole body. Expect to learn the best ways to manage your diabetes and make positive changes to your lifestyle.

Diabetes Management Education

Find classes to fit your needs, including:

General Class Topics

Expect to learn information about:

  • Adopting healthy eating habits through nutrition education, including meal-planning, weight-loss strategies and other disease-specific nutrition counseling
  • Developing problem-solving strategies and skills to self-manage diabetes
  • Developing skills for handling stressful situations
  • Using diabetes devices, such as blood glucose meters, insulin pens, insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors
  • How your medications work, including their action, side effects, the prescribed dosage and more
  • Monitoring blood glucose and learning how to interpret and respond to the results

Education Facilities

You’ll appreciate hands-on learning opportunities in our convenient, onsite classrooms and Fitness Center at Texas Diabetes Institute.

Health and Weight Management

Your educator will talk to you about nutrition, following a meal plan and portion control. When you practice carb control, you may lose weight. Exercise also can support weight loss.

Learn to cook healthy foods and make your favorite meals healthier by reading our recipes and watching our healthy recipes videos on Health Focus SA.

  1. Aruna Venkatesh, MD
    Aruna Venkatesh, MD
  2. Devjit Tripathy, MD
    Devjit Tripathy, MD
  3. Marzieh Salehi, MD
    Marzieh Salehi, MD