Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery

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Preparing for Weight Loss Surgery

You will receive a complete health assessment to discuss your medical history and your weight-loss goals. Your bariatric surgeon will determine if surgery is a good option for you. If it is, you and your surgeon will discuss which bariatric surgical procedure would be best suited to your health and lifestyle.

Preparing for Surgery

Your doctor may recommend that you adopt some lifestyle changes in preparation for your surgery. This will help make your surgery a success and improve your outcome.

Some of these recommendations may include:

  • Eating regular, healthy meals
  • Drinking more water
  • Finding a weight loss support group
  • Not gaining more weight before surgery
  • Quitting smoking
  • Sticking to an exercise routine
  • Talking with a counselor about your relationship with food

Preparing for Changes After Surgery

Your bariatric surgeon will discuss potential complications and help you evaluate the benefits and risks of the procedure. Your doctor will also discuss how your life will change after surgery. Some changes will be temporary, such as having a liquid diet as your body begins to heal.

Some changes will be permanent, such as restrictions on what types of food and how much you can eat. You must be willing to make long-term changes to your lifestyle after surgery.

This is a great time to ask any questions you may have so your doctor can address your concerns. We want you to have peace of mind while you prepare for surgery. 

What to Expect During Surgery

Before surgery begins, you will go under general anesthesia. You will be completely asleep and unaware of the procedure.

For most types of bariatric surgery, your surgeon will make tiny incisions in your abdomen and use a laparoscope to guide the procedure. A laparoscope is a small tube with a tiny camera attached to the end, which allows the surgeon to see what’s happening and operate without making large incisions.

Depending on what type of procedure you’re having, the surgeon may remove parts of your stomach or small intestine during surgery.