Home Visits

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To schedule an appointment, please call 210-358-TALK (8255), or submit a form below.
Home Visits

Look forward to in-depth education and support from a compassionate, experienced nurse home visitor while you’re part of the Nurse-Family Partnership program at University Health.

Visit Schedule

Your visit schedule allows your nurse to provide services and information during the different stages of your pregnancy and your baby’s childhood. Your nurse will personalize your home visits to you and your child’s needs. Visits may follow:

  • First month following enrollment - Weekly visits
  • Remainder of the pregnancy - Bimonthly visits
  • First six weeks after delivery - Weekly visits
  • Seven weeks through the 21st month of childhood - Bimonthly visits
  • Twenty-second month until the child reaches two years old - Monthly visits

What to Expect During a Home Visit

Your nurse home visitor is available to make your life better. You’ll work with a trustworthy, expert nurse following a visit-by-visit plan.

During Pregnancy

While you are pregnant, your nurse will help you:

  • Assess and implement behavioral changes to reduce smoking, use of alcohol and illegal drugs
  • Coordinate care with physicians and nurses
  • Track diet and weight
  • Measure blood pressure if needed
  • Identify the signs and symptoms of pregnancy complications and help you with treatment for urinary tract infections (UTIs), sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy-related high blood pressure

After Delivery

When your baby comes home, the nurse home visitors helps you and other caregivers:

  • Detect signs of infant illness, take temperatures and help you communicate with doctor’s office staff before seeking care
  • Understand infant and toddler communication signals
  • Interact with children in ways that promote healthy development
  • Create safe home environments for children

Planning for the Future

Ask your nurse to help you solve problems that get in the way of your education, finding work and planning your future.

Program Outcomes

Learn how women like you have benefited from the Nurse-Family Partnership program.

  1. Cristina Wallace Huff, MD
    Cristina Wallace Huff, MD
    Obstetrics And Gynecology
  2. Jessica Acosta, FNP
    Jessica Acosta, FNP
    Family Nurse Practitioner Gynecology
  3. Rorey Walsh, MD
    Obstetrics And Gynecology