Intestine & Rectal Conditions

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Intestine & Rectal Conditions

The intestines are found in the lower abdomen, and are responsible for nutrient absorption and waste excretion.

The small intestine's primary job is the absorption of nutrients, and the large intestine's primary job is the excretion of waste products.

We treat a number of common conditions that affect the intestines, colon and rectum such as:

  • Celiac disease
  • GI bleeding
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

More Conditions We Treat

Cancer, Tumors and Lesions of the Intestines

These abnormal tissue types can lead to digestive issues, pain, and nutrition problems without proper care. Using the latest in ultrasound and camera-based equipment, our team has the ability to both diagnose and treat these conditions in a minimally invasive setting.

For patients with developed disease, we provide our surgeons with a “roadmap” to the tumor, which can improve the surgical process and outcome.

Diseases of the Ampulla of Vater

The ampulla is a structure located in the duodenum at the outlet of the pancreas and bile duct. Abnormalities at the ampulla can cause blockages and flow restrictions which may lead to problems with the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas.

As a result of the fellowship training of our team, we have extensive diagnostic and treatment experience and can offer a wide range of therapies using the body’s natural pathways.

Fecal Incontinence

This condition can involve a malfunction of the “valves” called sphincters that collect waste products until they are ready for disposal. Our professionals can find the cause of this uncomfortable problem by evaluating the muscles and tissues of the sphincters.

Radiation Proctopathy

Sometimes medically necessary treatment, such as high-intensity radiation for prostate cancer, can result in unfortunate complications, such as radiation proctopathy.

Our team can reduce the effects on your digestive system by applying thermal therapy which aids the tissue in the healing process.

  1. Chandraprakash Umapathy, MD
    Chandraprakash Umapathy, MD
  2. Obinna Ukabam, MD
  3. Randy Wright, MD
    Randy Wright, MD