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Protection for Research Participants
The benefits and risks of a research study depend on the way researchers conduct it. When you participate in a study, investigators hold the primary responsibility for protecting your rights and welfare.
Institutional Review Board
To protect participants in research studies, University Health researchers work with a designated Institutional Review Board (IRB) from UT Health San Antonio. The IRB reviews each study conducted at University Health for both scientific design and ethical considerations.
Federal Policy
The Common Rule for protecting human subjects requires each institution that engages in federally supported research with human subjects file an “Assurance” of protection. This Assurance formalizes the institution’s commitment to protect your human rights.
University Health conducts research under the Federalwide Assurance for the Protection of Human Subjects (FWA00003754). The Office of Human Subjects Research Protections (OHRP) in Washington, D.C., maintains the approved file.
Contact Us
If you or your family member have concerns or questions about the conduct of research, please reach out to the principal investigator or research staff conducting the study. If you have additional questions, please feel free to contact us:
Clinical Research Department
Phone: 210-743-6450
UT Health San Antonio Institutional Review Board (IRB)
Phone: 210-567-2351