Fall Prevention

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Injury Prevention Team

Fall Prevention

Fall Prevention Reduces Critical Injuries

Falls are a frequent, but preventable, cause of injury for young and old alike. As the caregiver of young children or elderly loved ones, you worry about them falling. We are here to support you with education on precautions and preventive measures to keep your kids and older adults safe.

The trauma team at University Health believes education helps prevent trauma and is more effective than emergency care. Through our Fall Prevention program, we are proud to offer information to you, your parents and grandparents.

Preventing Falls in Children and Seniors

With young children, falls are likely a part of daily life. As toddlers learn to walk, most of their falls will be a very short distance onto a safely padded backside. Our prevention efforts focus on the ones that are far less common, but far more likely to cause critical injury.

Regarding senior health, falls are more common than stroke and a primary reason seniors require health care services. Those injuries often lead to a decline in quality of life and independence. We are committed to educating caregivers on effective, proactive measures to prevent falls.

Resources, Risk Factors and Prevention Tips

Falling may be a symptom of another condition. Frequent falls can indicate a balance disorder, poor vision, diabetes or blood pressure in seniors. Your loved one’s doctor can discuss treatment options, if necessary, while the information below describes risk factors and prevention tips.