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- Endocrinology
- Diabetes Research
Pediatric Diabetes Research
Texas Diabetes Institute is at the forefront of pediatric diabetes research. We provide opportunities for youth to take part in research trials, which have recently included the TODAY study and TrialNet.
Current Research
We are part of a global effort to better understand and improved therapies for Type 1, Type 2 and CF-related diabetes in children. Dr. Gary Francis also conducts research on thyroid cancer and nodules in children.
There are ongoing studies related to Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes prevention and treatment. Your doctor may offer you and your child the option to take part in these studies.
TODAY (Treatment Options for Diabetes Type 2 in Adolescents and Youth) was a recent a nationwide study. The TODAY study compared the safety and efficacy of three Type 2 diabetes treatments for adolescents. Each participant in the study randomly received one of these treatments:
- Metformin alone
- Metformin and Rosiglitazone
- Metformin plus the TODAY Lifestyle Program, which includes modifications to diet, exercise and behavior
Seventeen health institutions participated in the TODAY study. University Health with UT Health San Antonio were one of two institutions in Texas that participated.
Bionic Pancreas Pump
University Health is one of only five health institutions in the U.S. currently testing the iLet bionic pancreas in children. This wearable device monitors blood sugar levels in children with Type 1 diabetes. It automatically releases insulin and glucagon when needed.
The bionic pump aims to take some of the burden of managing Type 1 diabetes off the child. We are testing the pump’s ability to:
- Control blood sugar levels automatically
- Set insulin delivery rates
- Deliver extra insulin for meals
The insulin bionic pancreas studies in children started in summer 2020 at Texas Diabetes Institute.
Other Recent Research
- Ellipse
- Dinamo Study
Benefits of Clinical Trials
Current research initiatives aim to provide the following for all children with diabetes:
- More freedom
- Better glucose control
- Fewer diabetes complications
- Normal life expectancy
- Superior quality of life
Why Take Part in a Clinical Trial?
Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents has increased significantly over the last 10-15 years. Texas Diabetes Institute participates in clinical treatment trials and research studies that aim to stop the development of Type 2 diabetes and to promote healthy habits among youth. This is important for children with a strong family history of Type 2 diabetes.
If you have any questions, please call 210-358-7551. The physician referral fax number is 210-702-4228 and the clinic fax number is 210-358-7595.