Going Home After Outpatient Surgery

Going Home After Outpatient Surgery

After outpatient surgery at one of our hospitals, you’ll recover in our Post-Anesthesia Care Unit. During this time, a team of specialists trained in recovery care will care for you. We’ll assess your level of pain and make sure your every need is met.

While you’re in recovery, your surgeon will speak with your family members to help them understand how the procedure went, and what to expect next. You’ll be able to receive one or two visitors during this time. Parents of children in recovery can be by their side as soon as they wake up.

Before you are discharged to go home, your nurse will discuss:

  • Discharge instructions
  • Prescriptions to be filled
  • Information about your follow-up appointments

School and employment excuses are available for you and your caretaker upon request.

After Returning Home

Our care extends beyond your stay. We want to ensure you feel well once you arrive home. Please reach out to us if you have any questions or need assistance.

The following guidelines are recommended for at least 24 hours after your surgery:

  • Follow your doctor’s recommendations
  • Don't drive or use power equipment
  • Avoid eating a heavy meal
  • Don't drink alcoholic beverages
  • Don't sign important papers or make any important decisions
  • Have a responsible adult stay with you

We recommend children have two adults accompany them home – one adult to drive and one to attend to the child.