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Temporary change to adult ED entrance
February 09, 2020
As part of the construction process for the new Women’s and Children’s Hospital at University Hospital, the entrance to the adult emergency drop-off circle will need to close overnights from Feb. 10 through Feb. 14. Patients arriving by personal vehicles will be directed to the main hospital entrance between the hours of 1 a.m. to 11 a.m. for these five days. Patients coming by ambulance will continue to arrive at the ambulance bay off of Merton Minter.
This temporary re-routing of traffic at the adult ER will allow workers to safely take down the final section of the parking garage to make way for the new hospital.
There will be medical staff in the Sky Tower lobby to triage patients and ensure they get to the adult ER ASAP.
The Children’s Emergency Room, which has a separate patient entrance off of Merton Minter Drive, will not be affected.