Pediatric Urology Care

Our team of physicians is dedicated to the care and treatment of urological problems in infants, children and adolescents.
Request an appointment
For more information about pediatric urology, please call 210-358-KIDS.

When your child needs care for a condition affecting their urinary tract or genitals, look to University Health. You’ll find expert pediatric urologists dedicated to helping kids with sensitive issues. Count on us to take time to listen, answer questions and help your child feel comfortable discussing their symptoms.

What Is Pediatric Urology?

Pediatric urologists are doctors with advanced training in caring for babies, children and teenagers with problems related to the genitals or urinary tract. The urinary tract, or renal system, includes the kidneys, bladder, urethra and ureters (tubes that carry urine).

Prenatal Urologic Counseling

If you’re pregnant and your prenatal care provider is concerned about your unborn baby’s urinary tract or genitals, turn to University Health. Our pediatric urologists will help you understand your baby’s condition, future care needs and treatment options.

Conditions We Treat

Trust us to care for all urologic conditions, including:

Diagnosing Genitourinary Conditions

Your doctor will start by asking about your child’s symptoms. Then, he or she can determine the best tests to learn more about the reason for the urology problems. Your doctor may recommend:

  • Imaging tests, such as a bladder ultrasound, kidney scan or voiding cystourethrogram
  • Post-void residual (PVR) urine test – Shows how much urine is left in the bladder after peeing
  • Urine flow rate test – Measures the amount and speed of urine that comes out while peeing
  • Urinalysis – Examines a small amount of urine for color and substances that you can’t see without a microscope 

On-Site Imaging and Lab Services

You’ll find imaging and lab services in the same buildings as our pediatric urology office. Your child may have tests done on the same day you visit the urologist. That means less time driving and coordinating appointments for you and your family.

Your Child’s Care Plan

Rely on us to explain your child’s test results, diagnosis and treatment options. We’ll dedicate as much time as you need to help you understand your child’s condition.

We’ll work together to create a care plan that’s right for your family. You’ll have access to a range of treatments, including:

  • Behavior modification
  • Biofeedback therapy
  • Medications
  • Surgery, including minimally invasive and robotic-assisted options

At University Health, our specialists use the latest, minimally invasive techniques to perform complex surgery. Our approach helps your child experience less pain, smaller scars and a quicker recovery time.

Your Child’s Urologic Care Team

Get care from doctors and nurses dedicated to caring for children with urologic issues. Your University Health pediatric urology team includes:

  • Pediatric urologist
  • Nurses trained in urodynamics (tests that show how well the bladder works) and biofeedback

Our team includes providers who speak English, Spanish and Taiwanese. We also have language assistance available for any language.

Transition to Adult Urology Care

Our pediatric urologists care for kids from birth through age 18. If your child needs urology care beyond the teen years, we’ll facilitate a smooth transition to our adult urology team. 

When you’re ready to move to adult urology, you’ll have a few appointments with both your pediatric urologist and your new adult urologist. That way, you and your new doctor get to know each other before you say goodbye to your children’s urology specialist. 

  1. Robert B. Green Campus
    903 W. Martin Street
    San Antonio,TX 78207