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“Take care of kids, wear pajamas most of the day. Best job in the world.”
I’m a pediatric surgeon at University Health. I attended Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and completed my residency at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. I went on to complete a fellowship in pediatric surgery at Cohen Children’s Medical Center in New York.
I didn’t always want to be a surgeon. As a kid, I wanted to be a garbage man, then a fighter pilot (the original Top Gun came out when I was a kid). I became interested in trauma care after reading about what happened after car crashes. I ended up having lung surgery in 10th grade, and that sealed it for me!
Philosophy of Care
“What if this was my kid?” That is the real standard of care. If you treat people that way, you’ll always make the right choices.
Area of Clinical Expertise
Surgery of the chest and abdomen for kids – tiny babies to teens!
Why I Love My Job
I enjoy being a surgeon because operating is just plain fun 98% time.
Since I am basically an overgrown kid, I get to relate to my patients. And as a parent, I can relate to them too! The relationships I have built with both staff and families have lasted years and keep me getting up every day.
Call 210-743-2500 to request an appointment with this doctor.