University Health making changes to limit potential spread of virus

San Antonio, Texas – Yesterday the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic. To better protect the health of the community, our staff and patients, all major San Antonio hospitals have developed substantially similar interim visitation guidelines and risk screening for COVID-19. The guidelines may change as we learn more about the virus and CDC gives additional direction.

Beginning at 5 a.m. Friday morning, March 13, University Health is limiting visitors at University Hospital and closing some hospital entrances.

Upon entry to University Hospital, all visitors will be screened for symptoms of the COVID-19 virus, as well as exposure or travel to a COVID-19 high risk area.

Only visitors without symptoms or exposure/travel history are permitted to visit, and patients may only have two visitors per day. Some units, especially those with immune-compromised patients, may have more strict requirements. We encourage family and friends to limit visitation as much as possible, and to use alternative communication tools such as tablets and phones to stay in touch.

All patients and visitors to University Hospital must enter either through the:

  • Hospital main entrance (5 a.m. -10 p.m.)
  • Or the Emergency Department (24 hours)
  • All hospital visitors and patients who park in the West Garage will take the shuttle to the hospital.
  • Ambassadors will assist in directing visitors to the shuttle.
  • The main entrance will close at 10 p.m. and the shuttles will drop off only at the adult ED.
  • The Children’s ED will remain open 24/7 for pediatric emergency patients.

For up-to-date information regarding COVID-19, please visit the CDC website. For information on University Health's response, visit our website. For the latest local information, download the Ready South Texas app.

We understand that visiting and communication with a hospitalized person is very important to both patients and their loved ones, but limiting exposure is the best way to protect against spread of this virus. Thank you for your help in protecting our patients, visitors, staff and community.

Dr. Alsip discusses how we are responding to COVID-19 and what you should do if you think you may have the coronavirus.

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