Latest updates on COVID-19
University Health System responds to COVID-19 travel case; helps connect staff to childcare
In an effort to keep the public informed, we want to let you know one of our resident physicians has tested positive for COVID-19. The infection is travel-related and the physician is quarantined at home. We are currently tracing potential contacts. In accordance with CDC guidance, about a dozen hospital staff members who had contact with the doctor are self-quarantining for 14 days. We are observing patient privacy and not providing further details about the physicians.
This information comes as University Hospital strengthens even further the precautions it’s taking to protect the public and our staff. We are in the process of implementing temperature checks for everyone entering the hospital. This will include staff as well as visitors.
We are striving to protect the healthcare staff who are needed to assist patients by supporting a drive-through testing location where healthcare workers and first responders can be tested if they believe they have been exposed to COVID-19 or they have developed symptoms.
With schools closed, we are also developing a childcare platform for those staff members struggling with healthcare for their children. We’re calling it, University Health System Family Caring For Our Family. The aim of this initiative is to connect employees who may have family members in a position to help with a co-worker in need of child care.
We are also continuing safety measures already implemented that restrict hospital patients to two visitors a day, and screening all visitors as they enter all of our clinical locations.
Rest assured that we are staying abreast of the latest developments in our community and coordinating with other healthcare and emergency care providers to limit exposure and the spread of this virus.