GunSafety4Bexar project distributing free gun locks

The Injury Prevention team from University Health will distribute free gun locks at their annual Holiday Safety Fair at Ingram Park Mall on Wednesday, Dec. 11 from 2-6 p.m.

GunSafety4Bexar, a program launched by a coalition of Bexar County organizations in November, will make 17,000 gun locks available to families with firearms. The goal is to reduce the many firearm injuries that result when guns are not safely stored unloaded, locked and separate from ammunition.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 1,500 children die each year from unintentional shootings, including suicide. In homes with children or adults who are coping with conditions like depression, anxiety, substance abuse or dementia, securing firearms can prevent suicides and injury to others in the home.

The GunSafety4Bexar coalition includes Bexar County, the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office, Be SMART for Kids, Safe Kids San Antonio, VIA and University Health.

The Health System’s Injury Prevention staff are providing safe gun storage presentations throughout the community. Messages on VIA buses rolling through San Antonio streets urge families to “Keep Children Safe. Secure Your Guns.”

The Bexar County Sheriff’s Office is also distributing free gun locks at two of its substations.

An updated list of events, locations where locks will be made available and safety resources are posted on the GunSafety4Bexar website. The website includes resources for protecting your family and home from firearm injuries.

The gun locks and the education effort is supported by $25,000 from Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff’s office and $25,000 from the Bexar County Sheriff’s Office.

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