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Grant Will Help Screen More Women for Breast Cancer

Komen awards $112 thousand for breast screening, education and treatment

Mammography remains the best way for women to lower their risk of dying from breast cancer, according to the American Cancer Society. That’s why screening is so important. And thanks to an $112,078 grant from the San Antonio affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure, more Bexar County women will have access to mammograms, along with other diagnostic tests and treatments.

The Texas Cancer Data Center estimates that more than 900 women in Bexar County will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and 175 of these mothers, daughters, sisters and friends will die from the disease. In partnership with Komen, University Health aims to increase the number of women surviving breast cancer by improving their ability to have their cancer diagnosed at an early, and more treatable stage.

“Over the past year, University Health provided screening and exams to over 1,000 women. Fifteen of these women were diagnosed with breast cancer and referred for treatment,” said Theresa De La Haya, senior vice president for Community Health and Clinical Preventive Programs at University Health. “This is the type of powerful impact our partnership with Komen is having in our community. We look forward to continuing our partnership with this outstanding organization over the upcoming year and into the future.”

The Komen grant will also support the Healthy U Express, the Health System’s digital mobile mammography unit. “With this motor coach we are able to travel to schools, offices and health fairs across the area to make being screened less time-consuming and more convenient,” she added.

In addition to the funding from Komen, University Health is also able to provide free or low-cost screenings for eligible women through the Texas Breast and Cervical Cancer Services program.

For more information about University Health’s mammography programs and eligibility, please call 210-358-TALK.

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