COVID-19 update: Does COVID cause diabetes?

COVID-19 continues to throw us new curves, and one of them is growing evidence of a troubling link that is beginning to emerge between COVID-19 infection and the development of diabetes. Dr. Carolina Solis-Herrera, endocrinologist with University Health’s Texas Diabetes Institute and division chief of endocrinology at UT Health San Antonio, describes what we are learning about COVID-19 and diabetes, in English and Spanish. Feel free to use this information in any of your reporting.

COVID-19 Update: The Link Between COVID-19 and Diabetes
Can COVID-19 cause diabetes? Dr. Carolina Solis-Herrera discusses new evidence that COVID-19 may inflame and damage the pancreas, which produces insulin and regulates the body’s blood sugar levels.
COVID-19 Informe: La Relación Entre COVID-19 y Diabetes
¿Podría ser que el COVID-19 cause diabetes? La Dr. Carolina Solis-Herrera discute nuevas evidencias que muestran que el COVID-19 puede inflamar y dañar el páncreas, el cual produce insulina y regula los niveles de azúcar en la sangre del cuerpo.
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