After battling colon cancer, Commissioner Rebeca Clay-Flores promotes screenings to save lives

When Bexar County Commissioner Rebeca Clay-Flores was diagnosed with colon cancer last year, she was shocked. She was active and thought she was healthy. She did not know that medical guidelines now call for people at average risk to begin screenings to check for the disease at age 45.

Clay-Flores is certain others are also unaware of the updated guidelines and she wants people to have the facts. Colon cancer is the second most fatal cancer for men and women. However, it often takes years for intestinal polyps to become cancerous, so removing them early can prevent the disease.

During this Colon Cancer Awareness Month, Clay-Flores is holding a press conference at University Hospital on Tuesday morning to tell her story. She hopes you will join her and Dr. Sandeep Patel, the gastroenterologist who found her tumor. They will be urging others to know their risk factors and get timely colonoscopies or screenings.


Commissioner Rebeca Clay-Flores and Dr. Sandeep Patel, medical director for gastroenterology at University Health, promote colon cancer screenings


Tuesday, March 18, 10 a.m.


University Hospital, 4502 Medical Drive. Park in the Visitors Garage near the hospital entrance or across the street in the staff lot (map attached). Please do not park in the Pavilion clinic parking lot. Follow the covered walkway from the garage into the hospital and come to the main lobby.

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