Sebastian – Epilepsy Patient

Sebi was only 2 months old when he had his first seizure. At the time, doctors told Sebi’s parents that it was a type of seizure caused by a high fever. Sebi’s parents thought it was a one-time occurrence and that he was in the clear – and for many years, he was. Active and into baseball, Sebi was like any other kid, having fun and enjoying life. But when Sebi was 9, his parents’ worst nightmare came true. He had another seizure.

Sebi was rushed to University Hospital, the highest-rated epilepsy center in South Texas. He was admitted to the epilepsy monitoring unit, where our neurology team used EEG technology to track his brain activity around the clock. This time, the data showed that Sebi had epilepsy. Determined to give Sebi the best quality of life possible, the neurology team developed a treatment plan that stabilized his seizures. Today, Sebi can do anything and everything he wants to. But most importantly, he can just be a kid.

At University Health, we don’t just see what is – a boy with epilepsy. We see what can be – an all-star leading his team to victory.

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