Learn how to Stop the Bleed in an emergency

Uncontrolled bleeding is the number one cause of preventable death from trauma. The greater the number of people who know how to control bleeding in an injured patient, the greater the chances of surviving that injury. You can help save a life by knowing how to stop bleeding if someone, including yourself, is injured.

What everyone should know to help stop the bleeding after an injury

Before helping someone who is injured, make sure the scene is safe for you. You cannot help others if you are injured. If the scene becomes unsafe, attempt to relocate yourself and the victim (if possible) to a safer location.

The ABCs of bleeding are steps that can help you prevent more blood loss and possibly save a life.

A – Alert

  • Call 9-1-1

B – Bleeding

  • Find the source of the bleeding and determine if it is life-threatening

C – Compress

  • Apply pressure to stop the bleeding by:
    • Covering the wound with a clean cloth and applying pressure by pushing directly on it with both hands, OR
    • Using a tourniquet (recommended), belt or rope, OR
    • Packing (stuffing) the wound with gauze or a clean cloth and then applying pressure with both hands.

Stop the Bleed Training

Since 2017, University Health, in partnership with the Southwest Texas Regional Advisory Council, has been teaching our community how to respond to emergencies. We have equipped more than 16,600 people in South Texas with simple, life-saving techniques through the Stop the Bleed program developed by the American College of Surgeons.

To learn more about how to prevent a death from bleeding, University Health has developed a virtual Stop the Bleed training program that will launch Thursday, May 20, 2021, on National Stop the Bleed Day. This free training will be offered in person, hybrid or via Zoom. Interested in scheduling or attending a training? Email stopthebleed@uhtx.com to find a training that works best for your schedule.

Let us teach you how to save the life of a coworker, family member, neighbor or stranger who may be at risk of dying because of excessive bleeding. Visit https://www.stopthebleed.org/ to learn more about the Stop the Bleed campaign.

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