How to Grow Your Own Food

Growing your own food sounds hard, right? Maybe you feel like you don’t have the time, the money or the space to plant anything. However, it doesn’t take much to start a garden, and you can grow herbs, fruits and vegetables in your own home. We’ll help break down the basics of gardening so you can develop your green thumb.

Consider Your Space

Not everyone lives on acres of farmland or has a backyard to grow a garden, but don’t let that discourage you. In fact, some plants do better indoors than outdoors. This is especially true of some herbs like thyme, chives, oregano and rosemary, which can thrive in your windowsill as long as they have enough sunlight and are watered correctly.

How to Grow Potatoes

Potatoes can grow indoors or outdoors as long as they have enough space for their roots to spread. Start by planting one or two potatoes in a planter or an old cloth sack and cover them with soil. Cover the new, small shoots with soil as they continue to grow.

Whether you grow them inside or outside, be sure the planter is raised off the ground to allow excess water to drain from the soil after you water them.

Grow Fruits and Vegetables in Planters

Some other fruits and vegetables can be easily grown on your back porch in small planters or even hanging pots. These include:

  • Strawberries
  • Tomatoes
  • Celery
  • Garlic
  • Onions
  • Rhubarb
  • Sweet peppers

If you want to grow some of these fruits and vegetables, do your research before you begin because each region of the U.S. has different planting seasons.

You can consult a local nursery if you have questions about when the best time is to plant a particular vegetable or fruit.

Why You Should Grow Your Own Food

There are many reasons why growing your own food is beneficial. Not only will it save you money at the grocery store, it can benefit your health by:

  • Encouraging you to eat more fruits and vegetables.
  • Giving you more control over your plants and when you want to harvest them. Many large industrial farms tend to harvest their plants early, which can strip veggies and fruit of beneficial nutrients. If you grow your own, you’re helping ensure that you get the full nutritional benefits of the plants.
  • Enabling you to use a more organic method of growing which means fewer pesticides and chemicals on your food.

Overall, there are many benefits to growing your own food. And as shown above, it doesn’t have to be difficult. 

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