Why Spending Time With Family Is Important

With the holiday season just around the corner, family gatherings are bound to happen. These shared experiences with family, especially those of different generations, have tangible benefits.

Studies have shown that intergenerational experiences can build needed social skills and help reinforce certain norms, beliefs and values, especially in younger family members.

Plus, did you know that laughter is actually good for your physical health? Read more in our blog.

The Benefits of Family Time

Family is important. Whether you spend time with aunts, uncles and grandparents or even with members of a family that’s not your own, there are many benefits to engaging with loved ones.

Some benefits of spending time with family include:

  • Builds strong emotional ties that can help you overcome life’s challenges
  • Helps kids perform better in school
  • Creates self-confidence in all members of the family
  • Teaches about conflict resolution and problem solving

As mentioned above, there are also benefits to multi-generational family relationships including:

  • Helps younger generations create a strong sense of self-identity
  • Gives both younger and older generations a different perspective on life
  • Fosters a greater sense of community and support

Family Fun on a Budget

If you’re looking for more ways to hang out with your family, but don’t want to spend a lot of money, here are a few activities your family can do that are fun and easy on the wallet:

  1. Go for walks or take a hike at a local park
  2. Have a cookout with family and friends
  3. Visit your local public library
  4. Enjoy a movie marathon at home
  5. Have a game night

Remember that family time is about quality, not quantity. Even a few minutes a day with loved ones can be beneficial not only for you, but for your family members, too.

Healthy Relationships and Your Health

Learn more about how healthy relationships impact your health on our Institute for Public Health website.

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