CenteringPregnancy Group Care

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CenteringPregnancy Group Care

Choose to get your prenatal care with other moms-to-be who have similar due dates in the CenteringPregnancy program at the Women's & Children's Hospital.

What Is CenteringPregnancy? Centering Pregnancy Group

CenteringPregnancy is patient-centered prenatal care in a small group. It’s a journey through pregnancy with the company of other pregnant women and a knowledgeable midwife to care for you. You’ll discuss everything you need to know for your well-being and to prepare for your baby’s safe, healthy delivery.

Benefits of CenteringPregnancy Program

Enjoy the nurturing care you get as an expectant mom by participating in a Centering group throughout your pregnancy. You’ll appreciate:

  • Comprehensive prenatal care that follows nationally recognized guidelines
  • Encouragement to take an active role in your care
  • Group learning, discussions and thorough prenatal education
  • Prescheduled appointments with no waiting when you arrive
  • Private time with your midwife for prenatal checks
  • Self-care training
  • Support and long-lasting friendships with other moms-to-be

How to Join Group Prenatal Care

After you see an obstetrics provider for your first prenatal visit, you can decide to enter the CenteringPregnancy program. That means instead of traditional prenatal care appointments, you will join a group care environment.

Your Centering Group Sessions

A University Health midwife will lead your group. Your group meetings will take you through every step of your pregnancy and prepare you for childbirth.


Each combined midwife and Centering group visit will take two hours.

Prenatal Care Visits

You’ll meet one-on-one with the same midwife for personalized prenatal care throughout your pregnancy.

Centering Group Learning

Learn about a wide range of prenatal care topics from your midwife and other specially trained mother-baby experts at University Health. The experts will lead interactive education and discussions about:

  • Breastfeeding
  • Changes to your body during pregnancy
  • Labor and delivery
  • Newborn care and parenting
  • Nutrition and dietary needs
  • Taking your blood pressure and weight
  • Tracking your pregnancy progress and baby’s growth

You’ll have plenty of time to ask questions during your Centering group, enjoy refreshments and receive gifts for you and your baby. Look forward to a “Baby Shower Tour” of our birthing facilities.

Feel Confident During Your Pregnancy

Women who participate in the CenteringPregnancy program:

  • Report feeling better prepared for labor and delivery
  • Experience healthier pregnancies and safer deliveries
  • Feel more confident about staying healthy before and after they have their baby
  • Form deep friendships with other expectant moms in the group

CenteringPregnancy Access & Funding

University Health is the only non-military health system in San Antonio to offer the innovative CenteringPregnancy program for expectant mothers in our area.

The March of Dimes partially funds our CenteringPregnancy Program.

  1. Jessica Acosta, FNP
    Jessica Acosta, FNP
    Family Nurse Practitioner Gynecology
  2. Rorey Walsh, MD
    Obstetrics And Gynecology
  3. Valerie Tobias, FNP
    Valerie Tobias, FNP
    Family Nurse Practitioner Gynecology