Pregnancy & Childbirth Classes

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To schedule an appointment, please call 210-358-TALK (8255), or submit a form below.
Pregnancy & Childbirth Classes

Take part in various pregnancy and childbirth classes at University Health. Learn from our knowledgeable mother-baby care team in a supportive environment where you prepare for the arrival of your baby.

Birth and Infant Care Preparation

Prepare yourself and for baby by attending the birth and infant care class. This is not a Lamaze class. Registration is required due to class size limitations. One adult labor support person is encouraged to participate. The labor support person does not need to register.

Topics include:

  • A tour of the women’s floor and birthing center at the Women's & Children's Hospital
  • Breathing exercises
  • Relaxation methods
  • Comfort measures
  • What to expect during the third trimester of your pregnancy
  • Labor and delivery education, including information on premature labor, stages and phases of labor, medical interventions, cesarean delivery and support person roles
  • What to expect right after birth (postpartum)
  • Newborn care basics

Registration Requirements

You must:

  • Have a University Medicine Associates or UT Health San Antonio obstetrician
  • Plan to deliver at the Women's & Children's Hospital
  • Be at least 28 weeks pregnant when attending this class
  • Ask your doctor if you should attend if you have a high-risk pregnancy 

Class Languages

Sign up for our birth and infant care class in English. If you have questions about the availability of other languages, please email us at

Breastfeeding Class

Attend a 90-minute breastfeeding class to learn basic breastfeeding information. Certified lactation consultants go over:

  • Benefits of breastfeeding
  • Getting ready to breastfeed
  • First feedings
  • Breastfeeding the first week at home

Dress comfortably and bring a support person to the class. Your support person doesn’t need to register.

Car Seat Education and Installation

Be ready to take your newborn home by learning how to choose, install and use a car seat. Certified technicians will:

  • Answer car seat questions
  • Help install a car seat you have already purchased
  • See if you qualify for our car seat distribution program

Call the Buckle Up! Team at 210-358-4295 to schedule an appointment Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

  1. Jessica Acosta, FNP
    Jessica Acosta, FNP
    Family Nurse Practitioner Gynecology
  2. Rorey Walsh, MD
    Obstetrics And Gynecology
  3. Valerie Tobias, FNP
    Valerie Tobias, FNP
    Family Nurse Practitioner Gynecology