University Children's Health Transport Team

Request an appointment

University Children’s Health Transport Service is available 24/7 and is staffed by highly experienced pediatric critical care registered nurses and registered respiratory therapists. We provide safe, critical care transport to pediatric patients of all ages, from neonate to adolescent, throughout San Antonio, South Texas and beyond.

Advantages to Using Our Transport Team

Every second matters – so we bring a mobile ICU to initiate care upon arrival.

  • The transport team utilizes protocols to initiate care and has direct access to the pediatric intensivist, pediatric hospitalist and pediatric emergency medicine physician that is serving as the medical control provider for transport.
  • With a focus on family-centered care, we always allow a parent to accompany their child on a ground ambulance transport. If family cannot be transported with the child on an aircraft, our team will call the parents once the child has safely arrived to University Hospital.
  • Research shows that pediatric patients transported by pediatric specialty teams have fewer unplanned events during transport, including the reduced likelihood of airway events, cardiopulmonary arrest, loss of IV access and sustained hypotension and/or hypoxia without intervention.

Pedi One Call

1-855-4-UHS-PED (1-855-484-7733)

Activating the Team

  • Connect with a pediatric intensivist, hospitalist or pediatric emergency medicine physician through Pedi One Call.
  • Once the transfer is accepted, the transport team can be activated.
  • The mode of transport will be determined by patient acuity, the patient’s potential to deteriorate, travel distance, weather and availability of an aircraft (either rotor-wing or fixed-wing) or ground ambulance.

We are dedicated to:

  • Providing quality pediatric continuing education and resources to health care providers
  • Promoting professional development
  • Offering customized educational offerings

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