

Transportation affects public health by:

  • Providing access to medical facilities, schools, jobs, grocery stores and other essential destinations
  • Reducing pollution, depending on the type of transportation
  • Impacting the risk of driver, passenger, cyclist or pedestrian injuries and deaths
  • Accommodating or discouraging walking and bicycling, two types of healthy physical activities

Providing Access to Essential Destinations

People need to be able to reach destinations such as: 

  • Medical and dental offices, pharmacies and hospitals
  • Schools and colleges 
  • Stores that sell healthy food and affordable hygiene supplies 
  • Parks 
  • Worksites 

The U.S. Department of Transportation notes that the ease and safety of getting to those places depends on factors such as:

  • Availability of public transportation, which is especially important for people who can’t drive or don’t own a vehicle 
  • Street layouts, connectivity and maintenance
  • Condition and location of bus stops
  • Quality of sidewalks and bike paths 

Transportation & the Environment

Transportation creates air, soil, water and noise pollutants. People who live near a highway or major roadway are exposed to traffic-related air pollution. This contributes to lung and cardiovascular disease. 

Long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution is linked to health conditions like childhood asthma

Factors that reduce transportation pollution include: 

  • Public transportation, which has lower emissions than cars that carry a single person
  • Increase in energy-efficient and electric vehicles 
  • Increase in employees working from home 

Traveler & Pedestrian Safety

According to a Texas Department of Transportation’s 2022 report, Bexar County had:

  • 47,472 crashes
  • 232 fatal crashes with 250 fatalities 
  • 854 suspected serious injuries 
  • 7,657 suspected minor injuries 
  • 11,350 possible injuries
  • 1,854 crashes involving a driver under the influence (DUI) of alcohol 

In 2021, the San Antonio Report identified 626 reports of vehicles striking pedestrians in San Antonio. These resulted in 88 fatalities and 132 serious injuries. That same year, there were 312 reports of vehicles hitting cyclists, causing eight deaths and 22 serious injuries.

From 2018-2021, Texas’ pedestrian fatality rate was higher than the national average.

Individuals can reduce the risk of injury by following the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) safety tips.

Accommodating Cycling & Walking

Physical activity is one of the most important ways to improve health. Adults need 150 minutes of moderate exercise each week, yet only a minority of Americans meet recommended activity guidelines, according to the CDC.

Cities can facilitate exercise by designing walkable, bike-friendly neighborhoods. Review the CDC’s specific recommendations for increasing physical activity through community design. They include the implementation of “complete streets,” which the City of San Antonio prioritizes for 2040.

Transportation Resources in Bexar County

Looking for public transportation options or ride-sharing services in Bexar County? Visit the websites of:

Explore transportation services for people older than 60. See also the Medical Transportation Program for Medicaid or Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) members.