Trauma-Informed Care Training

Trauma-Informed Care Training

The Institute is available to provide the below training to organizations seeking certification or education and awareness on trauma-informed care. Training is available in-person or virtual. Contact the Institute for more information.

See this month's training calendar here.

Available Training

Introduction to Trauma-Informed Care (1 Hour)

In this session, attendees will receive an overview of key elements to help build their foundation of trauma-informed care. This includes an introduction to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), the impact of trauma and trauma-informed care. This session will also highlight how the Institute for Trauma-Informed Care can assist organizations on their journey to trauma-informed certification. 

Implementing Trauma-Informed Care Principles (1 Hour)

In this session, attendees will receive an overview of the impact of trauma and an introduction to the six key principles of a trauma-informed approach. The information in this course will serve as building blocks to help you on your trauma-informed journey. The presentation is derived from Basics of ACEs, Trauma, Building Resilience and Using a Trauma-Informed Approach training by international author and speaker, Becky Haas.

ACE Interface Training (1.5 Hours)

In this session, attendees will learn about the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study, why ACEs have an immense effect on people's lives, and what can be done by all to dramatically improve health and resilience for this and future generations. This session is derived from training received from ACE Interface and conducted by an approved Master ACE Trainer. 

Building Community Resilience (1 Hour)

In this session, attendees will learn about R.O.L.E.S, a five-step process that empowers people to not only identify their personal triggers, but to create a mental paradigm shift that takes a punitive, judgmental view of behavior and transforms it into an approach rooted in positive intent and constructive outcomes. This presentation is derived from the Community Resilience Initiative curriculum, Course 1.

CRI Module 1 (2 Hours)

In this session, attendees will learn how Community Resilience Initiative (CRI) Module 1 introduces the framework for building resilience, the “K-I-S-S” framework. Knowledge, Insight, Strategies and Structure (KISS) describes community learning and movement from theory to practice and details how to put this evidence-based strategy into practice. This presentation is derived from the Community Resilience Initiative curriculum, Course 1.